Pomoč Razvojni ambulanti Kranj, Centru korak / Help for the Kranj Development Clinic and the Korak Center

Tudi letos sta nam Občina Kranj in Turizem Kranj zagotovila brezplačno stojnico na Vinski poti v Kranjskih rovih, kjer smo zbirali donacije. Letos smo jih namenili Razvojni ambulanti Kranj in Centru korak Kranj.

Razvojna ambulanta bo tako imela možnost, da njihove varovance na poletni šoli spremljajo njihovi starši. https://www.zd-kranj.si/?subpageid=140

Center korak pa bo z doniranimi sredstvi lahko peljal svoje varovance na šolo v hribe. https://center-korak.si/

Skupaj smo zbrali 4.000€, vsaki organizaciji bomo donirali polovico zbranih sredstev.

This year, the Municipality of Kranj and Kranj Tourism provided us with a free stand on the Wine Route in Kranjske rove, where we collected donations. This year, we donated them to the Development Clinic Kranj and the Center korak Kranj.

The Development Clinic will thus have the opportunity for their students to be accompanied by their parents at the summer school.

The Center korak will be able to take its students to school in the mountains with the donated funds.

In total, we raised €4,000, and we will donate half of the funds raised to each organization.