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- Reševalni avto za Zdravstveni dom Kranj / Rescue car for the Health Center Kranj
- Sponzorji spomenika Ivane Kobilice, Podbrezje / Sponsors of the monument of Ivana Kobilica, Podbrezje
- Sponzorji obnove muzejskega eksponata – ščita pri izkopaninah, Kranj / Sponsors of the renovation of the museum exhibit – shield in excavations, Kranj
- Prikolica za invalidski voziček, Ptuj / Wheelchair trailer, Ptuj
- Pomoč mami samohranilki, Šenčur / Help for single mother, Šenčur
- Opremili otroške sobe po požaru, Stražišče / Furnished children’s rooms after a fire, Stražišče
- Sponzorji klimatske naprave v Bolnišnici Jesenice / Air conditioning sponsors at the Jesenice Hospital
- Štipendiranje nadarjenih študentov / Scholarship for gifted students
- Plačilo terapij poškodovancu po poškodbi glave / Payment of treatment to the injured person after a head injury
- Nakup inkubatorja, Porodnišnica Kranj / Purchase of incubator, Maternity hospital Kranj
- Varna hiša / A safe house
- Inštrumenti za Glasbeno šolo Kranj / Instruments for Music School Kranj
- Poškodbe glave VDC / Injuries of the head VDC
- Donacija za dom za ozdravljene odvisnike, Pristava pri Tržiču, 40.000 € / Donation for a home for healed addicts, Pristava near Tržič, € 40,000