Tudi ti si Angel / You are an Angel too

FB stran projekta: www. facebook.com – Tudi TI si ANGEL

Rotary Klub Kranj je v sodelovanju s članom kluba Janezom Štrosom v mesecu decembru leta 2016, ob izdaji njegove knjige z naslovom TUDI TI SI ANGEL, pričel s posebnim projektom, to je projektom pomoči otrokom s posebnimi potrebami.

Cilj projekta je pomagati ustanovam, v katerih so ti otroci sprejeti v vsej svoji posebnosti, tako v Sloveniji kot tudi v drugih državah. Ti otroci, družba jih je poimenovala otroci s posebnimi potrebami, so “naši” otroci in si po našem mnenju zaslužijo več naše pozornosti, saj so prevečkrat porinjeni na rob družbe ter nemalokrat tudi pozabljeni.

Vse to je pripomoglo k odločitvi, da se projekt upravičeno zastavi široko in dolgoročno. Zavedamo se, da otroci so in bodo del naše družbe, del naših življenj.

V preteklih dveh letih so bili storjeni prvi koraki pomoči, prvi koraki k spremembam. Prvo spremembo so občutili otroci v Osnovni šoli Helene Puhar v Kranju, kjer smo opremili multisenzorno sobo in naredili čutno pot, v Osnovni šoli Janeza Levca v Ljubljani smo pomagali pri opremi dveh sob z gibalno senzorno opremo, v Osnovni šoli Jela Janežiča v Škofji Loki smo sodelovali pri nabavi pripomočkov za multisenzorno sobo, z donacijo smo pomagali tudi društvu SONČEK, donirali pa smo tudi sredstva za nevrofizioterapije.

Vsak doniran znesek je pripomogel, da se je življenje teh otrok vsaj malce izboljšalo, obogatilo, spremenilo. Spoznanje, da le vztrajnost, srčno delo in zavedanje, da nekdo potrebuje prav TVOJO pomoč, je glavno vodilo vsakega posameznika, ki sodeluje pri projektu.

Vizija in končni cilj projekta Tudi TI si ANGEL je s skupnimi močmi omogočiti in posledično tudi zagotoviti lepšo prihodnost “naših” otrok.

“Naši” otroci so otroci “Našega” sveta, zato je eden izmed naših ciljev ponesti projekt Tudi TI si ANGEL v širni svet.
Ponosni, predvsem pa veseli smo, da je bil prav projekt Tudi TI si ANGEL izbran, da ga predstavimo na konvenciji Rotary International v Hamburgu od 1.6.2019 do 5.6.2019.
Verjamemo, da je to tisti trenutek, ki bo pripomogel, da bomo dosegli cilj, ki ga s projektom zasledujemo.
Verjamemo, da je to trenutek, ko nam bo uspelo dotakniti se src ljudi ter tako dati projektu krila, da bo ponesen tudi v širni svet.

O ciljih projekta Tudi TI si ANGEL:
Naš osnovni cilj je zbrana sredstva nameniti ustanovam, kjer skrbijo za otroke s posebnimi potrebami. S sredstvi želimo pomagati pri nakupu tehničnih pripomočkov, opreme za multisenzorne in gibalno senzorne sobe, pri nakupu opreme glasbene sobe in še veliko več, vse z namenom omogočiti otrokom kvalitetnejše preživljanje časa, razvijanje čutil, razvijanje osebnosti, skratka, omogočiti jim boljši in lepši jutri.
“V slogi je moč” je rek, ki še kako močno drži. V Rotary Klub Kranj se zavedamo pomena tega reka, še posebej pa rezultatov, ki jih lahko s skupnimi močmi dosežemo.
K projektu želimo povabiti podjetja in posameznike, ki bodo donirali najmanj 20,00 EUR, pri čemer bodo v zahvalo prejeli knjigo z naslovom TUDI TI SI ANGEL, katere avtor je Janez Štros.
Zatorej, Dragi prijatelji, Dragi donatorji,
projekt Tudi TI si ANGEL je lep projekt, mogoče najlepši in najbolj plemenit in del tega ste lahko tudi VI. Zakaj najlepši? Prav preprosto……opohttp://www.rotary-klub-kranj.si/dogodki/help-ela-africa-sms-2020/minja tako NAS kot tudi VAS, da so na svetu tudi otroci na katere tako hitro pozabimo, pa vendar so tu, prav med NAMI.

Naše velike želje in cilje lahko uresničimo v večji meri, vendar samo z VAŠO pomočjo, z VAŠO voljo, pogumom in željo pomagati “našim” otrokom.
Janez Štros

Projekt pomaga tudi pri izgradnji izobraževalnega centra za otroke s posebnimi potrebami v Keniji, ki ga vodi Jana Dular Wang’ombe.

Več o pomoči pri izgradnji šole na ELA Africa


Official title of the project: YOU Are an ANGEL Too (Slovene: Tudi TI si ANGEL)
FB page of the project: www. facebook.com – You are an Angel too

About the project YOU Are an ANGEL Too:
In December 2016, upon publication of the book titled YOU ARE AN ANGEL TOO, the Kranj Rotary Club, in cooperation with its member and the writer of the said book Janez Štros, started a very special project – Giving a helping hand to children with special needs.
The purpose of the project is to help the institutions in which these children are accepted in all their uniqueness, both here in Slovenia, and also elsewhere throughout the world. These children, who have been branded as “children with special needs” by the society, are “our” children, who deserve to be given greater consideration, as they have been pushed to the edge of the society and left to be forgotten far too often.
This is why we have made a decision to expand and plan our project in the long-term. We are only too well aware that these children are, and will be, part of our society, part of our lives.
In the past two years, we have made the first steps, the steps of help towards changes. The first to feel the changes were the children from the Helena Puhar Primary School in Kranj. We have, namely, equipped a multi-sensory room for them, and built a sensory path. Moreover, we have helped furnish two rooms with movement-sensory equipment in the Janez Levec Primary School in Ljubljana, and participated in the purchase of aids for the multi-sensory room in Jel Janežič Primary School in Škofja Loka. In addition to that, we have helped the SONČEK Society by giving them a donation, and we have also donated some funds for the provision of nurophysiotheraphy.
Every donated sum has helped to improve, enrich, and change the lives of these children at least somewhat. The realisation that only perseverance, hard work, and the awareness that someone needs YOUR help has been the guiding principle of each and every individual involved in the project.
The vision and the ultimate goal of the project YOU Are an ANGEL Too is to enable jointly and, thus, ensure a brighter future of “our” children.
“Our” children are the children of “our” world, therefore, one of our goals is to take the project YOU Are an ANGEL Too to the wider world.
We are proud, and, above all, pleased that it was precisely the project YOU Are an ANGEL Too that has been chosen to be presented at the Rotary International Convention in Hamburg, taking place from 1 to 5 June, 2019.
We believe that this is the moment that will contribute to our achieving the goal pursued by the project.
We are also certain that this is the moment when we will be able to touch the hearts of people and, thus, give wings to the project to be taken into the wider world.

The goals of the project YOU Are an ANGEL Too:
Our primary goal is to dedicate the resources raised to the institutions taking care of the children with special needs, and, thus, help them in the purchase of technical aids, equipment for the multi-sensory room, the movement-sensory room, the music room, and much more, all with the purpose of enabling these children a more quality use of time, and development of senses and personality. In short, we want to give them a better today for a brighter tomorrow.
“Many hands make light work” is a saying that still holds true. In Kranj Rotary Club we are aware of its meaning, and, in particular, the results that can be achieved if we all step together.
We would like to invite companies and individuals to the project and ask them to make donations in the sum of at least 20.00 EUR. As a way of thank you, all the donators will receive the book YOU ARE AN ANGEL TOO by Janez Štros.
Therefore, dear friends and donators
the project YOU Are an ANGEL Too is a well-conceived project, part of which YOU can also become.
Our great wishes and goals however, can only be achieved in the largest possible manner, with YOUR help, YOUR willpower, courage, and desire to help “our” children.

project manager: Janez Štros more information: stros.gallery@gmail.com