Bojanu iz Stražišča pri Kranju so vodni nalivi uničili hiško. Zato smo se povezali Rotary Club Kranj s projektom Tudi ti si Angel, Lions Club Kranj, Fundacija Vincenca Drakslerja, Društvo Auris in Občina Kranj ter organizirali dobrodelni koncert, ki je bil 18.1. ob 19:00 v avli občine Kranj.
Nastopali so Kranjski tamburaši, Tanja Zajc Zupan in Eva Kovačič.
Vsak obiskovalec je ob donaciji 25 eur poleg koncerta prejel še eno od štirih knjig Tudi ti si Angel slikarja in pisatelja Janeza Štrosa ter pogostitev.
Z zbranimi donacijami bomo Bojanu pomagali do novega doma.
Pusti mi nasmeh, ravno dovolj topel, da v njem preživim milijon zlatih trenutkov.
Bojan from Stražišče by Kranj had his house destroyed by torrential rains. That’s why we joined Rotary Club Kranj with the project You Are An Angel too, Lions Club Kranj, Vincenc Draksler Foundation, Auris Society and the Municipality of Kranj and organized a charity concert, which was held on 18.1. at 19:00 in the hall of the municipality of Kranj.
The Kranjski Tamburaši, Tanja Zajc Zupan and Eva Kovačič performed.
With a donation of 25 euros, each visitor also received one of the four books You Are An Angel too by the painter and writer Janez Štros and a feast.
With the collected donations, we will help Bojan build a new home.
It leaves me with a smile, just warm enough to spend a million golden moments in it.