Donacija družini iz Nazarij / Donation to the family from Nazarje

Rotary klub Kranj s projektom Tudi ti si Angel že sedmo leto pomaga ustanovam za pomoč otrokom s posebnimi potrebami. Tokrat smo se odločili pomagati v poplavah prizadetim. V Nazarjah smo s pomočjo Župana g. Mateja Pečovnika in gospe Vladke Planovšek poiskali družino, ki ji je voda odnesla prav vse. V projektu Tudi ti si Angel nas vodi misel, da je ena najlepših stvari na svetu ljudem poslati sporočilo, da niso sami. Ne moremo narediti toliko dobrega, kot bi želeli, a vendar ljudje potrebujejo vse dobro, kar lahko naredimo. Zahvaljujemo se vsem donatorjem – brez vas naš projekt ne bi mogel uspeti.

Janez Štros 

The Rotary Club Kranj has been helping institutions for children with special needs for the seventh year with the project You are an Angel too. This time we decided to help those affected by the floods. In Nazarje, with the help of the Mayor Mr. Matej Pečovnik and Mrs. Vladka Planovšek we searched for a family whose water had taken away everything. In the project You are an Angel too we are guided by the thought that of the most beautiful things in the world is to send people a message that they are not alone. We cannot do as much good as we would like, but still people need all the good we can do. We would like to thank all donors – without you our project could not succeed.

Janez Štros

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