8. ROTARY FITT+ poletni kamp za otroke / 8th ROTARY FITT+ summer camp for kids

Tudi letos smo peljali otroke na morje!
Barbara, Jaka, Anina in Vito iz FITT+ so poskrbeli, da so se otroci lepo imeli na morju, člani Rotary Cluba Kranj pa smo pokrili vse stroške počitnic.
Poleg tega pa so podjetja naših članov Barko, Alcom, Roksal, Tobos, Stross Gallery in Klima Belehar priskrbela koristna darila za otroke in ekipo.
Zavarovalnica Generali pa je podarila brezplačno zavarovanje za vse udeležece.

We took the children to the sea again this year!
Barbara, Jaka, Anina and Vito from FITT+ made sure that the children had a great time at sea, and members of the Rotary Club of Kranj covered all the costs of the vacation.
In addition, the companies of our members Barko, Alcom, Roksal, Tobos, Stross Gallery and Klima Belehar provided useful gifts for the children and the team.
Generali Insurance donated free insurance for all participants.

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