Pogorela stanovanjska hiša potrebuje temeljito sanacijo. Foto: GARS Kranj / A burned-out residential house needs thorough remediation. Photo: GARS Kranj
Člani klubov Lions Kranj in Rotary Kranj smo uspešno zaključili akcijo zbiranja sredstev za pomoč družini Mohar, ki ji je požar uničil hišo na Mlaki pri Kranju.
Zbrali smo 2.465,00 EUR, ki smo jih v celoti nakazali Salonu pohištva Prevc za nakup opreme.
“Za donirana sredstva v višini 2.465,00 eur se najlepše zahvaljujem v imenu celotne družine.” Mateja Mohar
Members of the Lions Kranj and Rotary Kranj clubs successfully completed a fundraising campaign to help the Mohar family, whose house was destroyed by fire in Mlaka near Kranj.
We raised EUR 2,465.00, which we transferred in full to the Prevc Furniture Salon to purchase equipment.
“I would like to thank you on behalf of the whole family for the donated funds in the amount of 2,465.00 euros.” Mateja Mohar