Dobrodelna slikarska razstava RC Celovec in RC Kranj2020 // Charity painting exhibition RC Klagenfurt and RC Kranj

“Dne 22.09.2020, smo se v Celovcu zbrali člani Rotary kluba Celovec in Rotary kluba Kranj, ki sta organizirala razstavo petih Avstrijskih slikarjev in člana našega kluba Janeza Štrosa. Prireditev je uspela v vseh pogledih. V sklopu razstave je potekala tudi dobrodelna dražba, v kateri je vsak slikar doniral eno sliko. Izkupiček dražbe sta si kluba razdelila na pol, naš del bo namenjen projektu izgradnje šole za otroke s posebnimi potrebami v Keniji.

Lep dan vam želim!”

“On September 22, 2020, members of the Rotary Club Klagenfurt and the Rotary Club Kranj gathered in Klagenfurt to organize an exhibition of five Austrian painters and a member of our club Janez Štros. The event was a success in all respects. A charity auction was held as part of the exhibition, in which each painter donated one painting.The proceeds of the auction were split in half by the two clubs, our part will be dedicated to the project of building a school for children with special needs in Kenya.

Have a nice day!”

Christian Halm, Hans Hiesberger, Sissi Schupp, predsednik RC Celovec / President of RC Klagenfurt Johann Kogelnig, Janez Štros, Miha Kampuš, Robert Jung

Janez Štros

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